Instant Text Medical Glossaries

Robert’s Instant Text Glossaries

Robert’s Instant Text Glossaries is a collection of Instant Text glossaries of around 30,000 words and phrases each. These glossaries are compiled to optimize continuations for particular medical specialties. This results in glossaries that are consistent in word and phrase content but with phrase continuations that are statistically weighted to be context sensitive.

Compiled from thousands of reports

Robert’s Instant Text Glossaries are compiled from thousands of major hospitals, accumulated over years of transcription experience. Report styles of hundreds of physicians have been assimilated. In addition, thousands of pages of text have been gathered from Internet sites and textbooks scanned and run through OCR, add surgical and H&P reports from all specialties and from several ing greatly to the actual transcribed report base.

Spellings and syntax have been checked against multiple reference materials, including Stedman’s, Dorland’s, Tessier, Pyle, and Webster’s CD-ROM dictionary.

Word Usage

Word Rule: Start with the first letter of a word and add one or more other letters in the order in which they appear. Choose unique letters to narrow the possible matches.

Take for example a long, complex word like salpingo-oophorectomy. Following the Word Rule, start with s and then add one or more letters to get salp, siy, or spgp. The table above shows six possible short forms of the target word salpingo-oophorectomy.

 Short  Words
 salp  salpingo-oophorectomy
 siy  salpingo-oophorectomy
 slpr  salpingo-oophorectomy
 somy  salpingo-oophorectomy
 spgp  salpingo-oophorectomy
 sph  salpingo-oophorectomy

There are hundreds of possible abbreviations that Instant Text can use to generate this complex word. With Instant Text, it is not necessary to remember a particular abbreviation. Simply apply the Word Rule, forget about memorization of abbreviation codes, and select the words you want as they appear. However, it is desirable to add unique letters that narrow the list of possible matches and therefore reduce the need to use Shift or Ctrl keys for word selection.

In actual use of Robert’s Glossaries for Instant Text, start by typing a few letters according to the Word Rule such as sp, and the following words appear in the advisory:

 Short  Words
 sp  sacroposterior
 sp  salpingectomy
 sp  salpingo-oophorectomy
 sp  salpingostomy
 sp  salpingotomy
 sp  salpinx

Adding one more letter to make the short form spg narrows the list of possible matches in the Ob/Gyn glossary to these six choices:

 Short  Words
 spg  salpingectomy
 spg  salpingo-oophorectomy
 spg  salpingostomy
 spg  salpingotomy
 spg  sampling
 spg  scooping

These include previously unlisted words that were in the glossary but are not as frequently used as the first six. The target word salpingo-oophorectomy is now listed as second in the list, but by adding a carefully chosen final letter we can force it to be the only word in the Word Advisory. Adding one last, unique letter to make the short form spgp, the target word becomes the sole word displayed in the Word Advisory

 Short  Words
 spgp  salpingo-oophorectomy

The desired word salpingo-oophorectomy may now easily be sent directly to your document using the word marker key. In this example, 5 keystrokes spgp[ have replaced the 21 keystrokes it would have taken to type the word manually.

Phrase and Continuation Usage

Phrase Rule: Use the initial letters of some or all words of the phrase, starting with the initials of the first two words.

With Robert’s Instant Text Glossary Ob/Gyn.glo, as you type the letters pw in your document the Instant Text Phrase Advisory displays the matches shown below. Note that the short form starts with the first letters of the first two words and then adds some or all of the remaining words in the phrase. Simply identify the line you want and select it.

 Short  Phrases
 pwb  patient was brought
 pwsba  Pitocin was started by Anesthesia
 pwbtt  patient was brought to the
 pwbttor  patient was brought to the Operating Room
 pwbttrr  patient was brought to the Recovery Room

Robert’s Instant Text Glossaries are compiled so as to take maximum advantage of Instant Text’s phrase continuation feature. The same sequence of keystrokes produces different phrase continuations that reflect the context of the glossary, Ob/Gyn or Podiatry.

For this example, we’ll generate two typical phrases. One uses Robert’s Ob/Gyn glossary, the other Robert’s Podiatry glossary. In both cases we’ll type the string loc and use the phrase continuations that Instant Text generates.

With Robert’s Ob/Gyn.glo active, the abbreviation loc;;; produces the phrase lip of the cervix was grasped with Kocher clamps.

Start by typing the abbreviation loc which produces the phrase lip of the cervix in the Phrase Advisory:

 Short  Phrases
 loc  lip of the cervix

Selecting that phrase with the phrase marker brings up a phrase continuation that is statistically likely to be relevant in the context of an Ob/Gyn report: was grasped.

 Short  Phrases
 wg1  was grasped

By merely typing the marker key again, "was grasped" is sent to the document and the next phrase continuation is presented. Again, it is statistically likely to be one relevant to the context of Ob/Gyn:

 Short  Phrases
 wkc  with Kocher clamps

Selecting only the marker key again, the context-appropriate phrase with Kocher clamps is sent to the document.

In this example, the 6 keystrokes loc;;; produce the 48-letter phrase lip of the cervix was grasped with Kocher clamps .

Now, try the same sequence of keystrokes in the Podiatry context. With Robert’s Podiatry.glo active, the abbreviation loc; produces the phrase laterally one third the width of the capital.

 Short  Phrases
 lottwotc  laterally one third the width of the capital

Selecting that phrase with the marker brings up a phrase continuation that is statistically likely to be relevant in the context of an Podiatry report, fragment and impacted.

 Short  Phrases
 fai   fragment and impacted

Selecting only the marker key again, this context-appropriate phrase is sent to the document.

In this example, 5 keystrokes loc;; produces the 66-letter phrase laterally one third the width of the capital fragment and impacted. As you can see:

Robert’s Instant Text Glossaries give statistical preference to phrase continuations that are context-appropriate while providing a consistent vocabulary of words and phrases.

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last modified 20 January 1999