Textware Solutions Fitaly Forums

The intent of these forums is to allow an easy exchange of questions, tips, techniques, and other topics concerning the Fitaly keyboard and FitalyStamp. They are intended to be a place for suggestions and for discussing pros and cons of various approaches.

Fitaly Forums:

Fitaly for the Pocket PC

Fitaly for the Tablet PC

Fitaly for the Palm – 2003-2006

Fitaly for the Palm – 1998-2002

Fitaly & FitalyStamp FAQ

Dom Perignon IV Speed Contest – New!

Dom Perignon III Speed Contest

Dom Perignon II Speed Contest

Support questions are better dealt by Email unless they raise questions of general interest, in which case they are proper for the forum.

Textware Solutions Instant Text Forums Email Fitaly Support

These forums are maintained as a service to its users. Contributions are expected to be formulated in a courteous language and may not contain advertising. Users are individually responsible for their own contributions. Posting a message constitutes consent to its further use by us and others. We reserve the right to monitor forums and to remove specific content that we deem obsolete or improper but have no obligation to do so.