Convert Short Forms

The Convert Short Forms dialog enables you to convert the short forms of multiple entries of the currently viewed glossary in one shot. The applied conversion follows your current Short Form Rules.

It is advised to backup your glossary prior to launching the conversion.

Convert Short Forms

To mark selected entries for conversion, you may:

To unmark selected entries for conversion, you may:

Note that unlike the main Glossary Viewer window, the Convert Short Forms dialog supports multiple selection: so you may mark all entries for conversion, simply by pressing Ctrl A M.

As an alternative, you can also select the Edit → Mark All Entries menu item. Furthermore, the Edit menu offers other powerful ways to mark or unmark complete sets of entries:

Upon clicking OK, all entries marked for conversion are effectively converted.

To toggle the marking of selected entries you may also use the space bar which comes in handy. Typically you may go through all the displayed entries, one by one, as follows: