The Glossary Viewer Side Bar
provides some handy buttons for mouse users:
The Includes Table gives a synthetic view of all glossaries that are included in the viewed glossary.
Note that it contains all includes defined in the Edit Glossary Includes dialog. It may also contain glossaries that got transitively included, because:
if A includes B and B includes C then C is also included in A.
The Includes Table displays the includes in the order in which they are included. And this order is important because glossary entries with the same short form are ordered with respect to that order.
The background color for a given include is the same as the color chosen in the Edit Glossary Includes dialog.
And the little cursor on the left points to the glossary the highlighted entry stems from.
The Group Editor enables you to quickly navigate to an entry with a given short form.
You type the characters of the short form you want to locate in the Group Editor and the highlight automatically moves accordingly. If there is no glossary entry with a short form that starts with the characters you typed, the background of the Group Editor turns red, and the highlight is moved to the alphabetical position where it would fit.