Glossary Type

Instant Text has several types of glossaries. Each glossary type serves a specific purpose:

Glossary Type Purpose

Expansion Glossary

Define expansions that get triggered by typing an abbreviation, followed by an expansion trigger key.

Shield Glossary

Protect from unwanted expansions when typing real words that collide with short forms used in your current glossary.

Hotkey Glossary

Define expansions that get triggered by pressing a key or key combination.

Typo Glossary

Define corrections for typos.

Pick Glossary

Define pick lists that you can reference inside glossary entries via Pick commands.

Snippet Glossary

Define snippets that you can reference inside glossary entries via Snippet commands.

Variable Glossary

Define variables that you can reference inside expansion text or command parameters.

While in the learning phase, you will first concentrate on Expansion Glossaries. You may study the purpose of Pick, Snippet and Variable glossaries at a later point when you feel the need for it.